Kalɛ tuuma

Page statistics
Content pages886
(All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.)
Uploaded files0
Edit statistics
Page edits since Wikipiidiya was set up15,096
Average edits per page6.48
User statistics
Registered users (nɛreba yu'ura)1,098
Active users (nɛreba yu'ura)
(Users who have performed an action in the last 30 days)
Bots (nɛreba yu'ura)2
Bundaanduma (nɛreba yu'ura)1
Interface administrators (nɛreba yu'ura)0
Bureaucrats (nɛreba yu'ura)0
Suppressors (nɛreba yu'ura)0
Stewards (nɛreba yu'ura)0
Account creators (nɛreba yu'ura)0
Importers (nɛreba yu'ura)0
Transwiki importers (nɛreba yu'ura)0
IP block exemptions (nɛreba yu'ura)0
Check users (nɛreba yu'ura)0
Users blocked from the IP Information tool (nɛreba yu'ura)0
Confirmed users (nɛreba yu'ura)0
Other statistics
Yelebɛa n boi pɛgera la za'a puan471,278